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We live in difficult times. Grim statistics reveal that as many as 10,000 foreclosures are occuring each day in the United-States-and the total is climbing. A financial meltdown roars around the world. Real estate values are plunging, as is the stock market.

Faced with a mortgage foreclosure crisis of epic proportions, state legislatures and courts throughout the United States have increasingly enacted legal reforms that provide homeowners with new opportunities to stop foreclosure and save their homes. For example:

Ohio has called upon leaders to modify the onerous terms of the high-cost loans;

Courts in New York, Maryland, New Jersey, Florida and elsewhere are refusing to allow mortgage foreclosure to proceed without original loan documentation, which banks are often unable to produce because of the frequent rate at which loans are assigned and sold.

Massachusetts has initiated legislation to provide borrowers in default on their mortgage payments 90 days to work their mortgage servicers to avoid foreclosure;

California launched a mortgage foreclosure task force and has directed loan servicers to agree to wholesale loan adjustments;

With each passing day, the state and courts provide new relief:

  • mandatory loan adjustments and restructuring
  • new legal and equitable defenses
  • mandatory waiting periods
  • mediation programs
  • and much more

At bottom, as America's foreslosure crisis deepens, the government has enacted new and powerful tools for homeowners in distress. Unfortunately, many people continue to lose their homes simply because they are unaware of the legal defenses that are available to them, or mistakenly believe that legal action is unaffordable. provides you with affordable, state-specific, and easy-to-use foreclosure defense forms. The foreclosure defense forms on this website can be quickly downloaded and modified to fit your individual needs, so that you can fight foreclosure and remain in your home. Our foreclosure defense forms packages include state-specific information and instructions.

Homeowners often find that lenders lack the appropriate documentation to obtain a judgement of foreclosure. Lenders must produce original documents and records including the promissory note, disclosure statements, all documents involved in the loan and settlement, as well as all records involving payments, posting of payments, and calculation of credits, interest, finance charges, and late fees. Often there are errors. More often, because of the multiple sales, of the debt instrument, these cannot be located. By downloading an Answer or Motion to Dismiss, you can out pressure on the lender.

We monitor new develpments to so that you can take advantage of the most recent legal mechanisms to defense against mortgage foreclosure. Please note that the legal forms in our site are not a substitute for the advice and guidance of an experienced foreclosure attorney. However we seek to provide an alternative that is affordable and useful. If you are under water and in arrears, you should consider downloading one of our forms kits.

Please note that we do not provide legal advice. We are not a consumer counseling service. Our foreclosure defense forms are available for use by attorneys, nonprofit organizations and individuals at your own risk. If you have questions, you should consult an experienced attorney.


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